Bramell, Party of Five: Twin Tuesday

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Twin Tuesday

So. It was bound to happen sooner or later, really. I'm not at all surprised by what I witnessed over the weekend.
The weather was very nice on Sunday; the kids were playing in the backyard and the windows were open. Girl Twin came inside to do something. Next thing I heard...
"Brother! Get your ass back in this house!"
Oh dear. She got reprimanded, of course...right after I stopped laughing.

*This is also our first day of Pre-K photo post. They are going to a M/W/F half-day program this fall. I hope she doesn't cuss at school.

1 comment:

  1. There are SO many things we can't control in life, and everything our kids do and say falls into that category. Grace upon grace, mama!


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